Medical care

We offer you a permanent attentive and personalized presence.
Under the supervision of our care coordinator, a care team is present 24/7 to meet your needs.
Our certification as a Residence for Autonomous and Semi-autonomous People allows us to support our Residents to the limit of non-autonomy without changing their living environment.

A la carte, we ensure the distribution and administration of medicines, as well as assistance with getting up, going to bed, dressing and hygiene. Likewise, assistance with your movement within the residence can be offered.

The call system placed in your accommodation allows us to answer your call immediately.
During the night rounds, a visit to your accommodation can be scheduled according to your wishes.

We take samples for analysis and send them to the laboratory as needed.
We can also provide care during periods of convalescence within the limits of our authorization.

A doctor, approved by the RAMQ, is present at his office at the Residence every 15 days.

The Jean Coutu and Proxim pharmacies in Saint Lambert make deliveries several times a day, and can, like any pharmacist of your choice, take charge of your medication.

Why the Le Castel – St Lambert residence stands out from other accommodation offers:

Because his intervention focuses on individualized support for the resident and includes the participation of the family.
Because the services offered are intended to maintain autonomy and therefore to maintain the capacities of each resident as long as possible.

The human size of the establishment offers professional stakeholders of the residence proximity to each resident which facilitates observation of the evolution of autonomy. These conditions make it possible to respond as quickly and adequately as possible. They also allow stakeholders to meet their commitments as part of their mission:


  • make oneself available on a daily basis in a stimulus process
  • support by preventing addiction, that is to say "do with but not instead of …"
  • adapt to specific situations
  • understanding that each person is unique and has their own values, this implies that the staff should not have the same attitude with all residents.
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